
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


SEO Meta Tags are a valuable aid to your search engine optimization. As some may claim to launch your site as a showstopper using tags, it is not so. It will help your site improve its listing rank only & does not magically make visitors begging for more! Meta Tags are basically HTML code inserted into website page following title tag. Tags are used for many purposes but when referring to SEO, this constitutes descriptions tag & keywords tag. At one point of time tags were very essential for search engine function as it helped m to determine contents & subject matter of a website. Although more advanced techniques have replaced tags, it is still important as search engines use m as snippets in facilitating search engine results.
seo meta tags
keyword META tag is still not used by search engines but when submitting to directories, a valuable use of time by way, META keywords are used in many cases to automatically fill in keywords for your site in that directory. META description tag has soared in importance. How so you ask? Google has started showing META description in its search results when certain criteria are met. criteria being used appears to be very simple, unlike many of or things Google does. When keyword or search terms appear in META description, META description is used instead of snippet of text containing keyword on your page.
At one point Meta tags were considered a relatively important factor by search engines. AltaVista & or older search engines used m to help determine a site’s me as well as relevance to a given term. This is no longer case; search engines now rely on much more advanced techniques to do this. That said, Meta tags still have some life left in m; y are sometimes used as snippet of a site’s content in search engine result pages by Google, & possibly or search engines. It’s also possible y still have a little influence with some search engines in determining a site’s content.
SEO Meta tags can also be used to make your website suitable for all user age groups, particularly children. By addition of a PICS (platform for Internet Content Selection) label to website, you can get your website rated. Tags can also control browser, robots & internal categorization of your website. Internal categories are required where you have multiple authors & contributors to your site contents. tags useful here are related to author’s name & last update of content. With robot tag you can permit indexing by robots. Lastly you can use a tag analyzer to assess tags you have used.