The First Tip To Increasing Your Page Rank
To find good key words use Google's get keyword ideas tool in adwords section of ir site. To find a good keyword using this tool first look at number of times each word is searched in a month. If it is higher than 100 than take that word & google it with "quotation" marks around it. If you get back less n 100,000 results Google it again without quotes. Take each site from first page & check its page rank. I use this Fire Fox add on to check page rank. Add up each pages rank to find out average. Don't count article sites, social sites, web 2.0 site as y carry ir own weight & you can use m too.What is the Difference Detween Nofollow and Dofollow Backlinks
First I'll give a brief explanation of how & why backlinks help you get traffic . Search engines use number of links to a website to determine it's rank & popularity. Google is only one that uses nofollow & dofollow tags. Dofollow means that Google's bots will follow link & it will add juice to your site rank. re are two different types of nofollow links. One will tell bots not to follow it at all or will tell bots to follow but not to add any weight to your rank. This doesn't mean you should shy away from nofollow links completely as you can still get traffic from nofollow links. If that traffic stays on your page long enough to read it & or click a link n that can help your rank. I have compiled a list of sites I use to add backlinks to my sites. se are mostly social bookmarking sites. Some will add backlinks automatically for you.Start Blogs and Write Articles
After you have 10 to 20 keywords you have to figure out how you are going to use m. First start a few blogs using a keyword in title. For each post you make use a different keyword in title, this is called an anchor text. Add a link to your site in each post. Your link should be a hyperlink of a keyword such as dofollow backlinks add link juice, this would be called a long tale keyword as it uses several words toger, this is a good way to focus in on a micro niche. Don't just hyperlink "click here", search engines will use hyperlink words as a tag. Don't make it too commercial or self promoting as this will sound like spam. Make it interesting & people will read more & be more likely to click your link. Search engines monitor time people spend on your blog & will rank it high if you get a good percentage of people staying on it for a few minutes. This means it must be a quality site. higher ranking your blog more weight link to your site will have. You'll want to add backlinks to your blog as well. This will increase your blogs rank.Next write a few ezine articles. Write one of se a week with a link to your site. Again make it high quality & not too spammy. What you are trying to do is create a bunch of original content by you & having it all linking back to your site. Eventually people interested in your topic will recognize that you have a lot of knowledge on your subject & think of you as an expert. Anor key component is having all of se blogs & articles be unique. Search engines can tell if same article or blog post is duplicated over & over again & will bury posts & backlinks from m.
This Is How I Get Serious Link Juice
This site uses all of techniques I discuss in this lense to increase your page rank. It takes a few weeks to notice a big change so y give you a one month trial membership. Up until three weeks after I started using Link Juicer I was only getting a few visitors a week to this lense. Now I'm getting a few a day & my rank keeps going up. I hope to soon be getting some major traffic.More Tips to Increasing Your Page Rank
Posting comments sounds easy but it is time consuming & again you don't want to spam your comments. You want to search for blogs, forums & Squidoo lenses related to your topic. When you post a comment make sure what you say is relevant & adds to discussion. Don't just say a few words & add your link, that is considered spam. It is best to try to be first to reply this will ensure more people see your link & click on it. If comments are dofollow it doesn't matter as much if you are first to post. A lot of sites have re comments nofollow but you can still get traffic from posting to se. Make a few posts a day to each of blogs & forums you can find. If you are posting to a blog some allow use of BBC code. Put this in your signature to automatically add your link each time you post. It looks like this. [b][URL""]Your Signature Text[/URL][/b]. [b] means to bold text.Here Is This Lenses Rank And Traffic

As you see I didn't get much traffic in beginning. first spike for A. was when I sent my first e-mail through Money List Mania. next 5 spikes were after each subsequent mailing. little spikes following were from List Machine. Spike B. Is where I made 3 posts to a forum. trick re is to find a relevant topic where somebody asks a question you can answer. Find one where re are only a couple of replies & answer question & leave a link for more information. This way you won't be spamming.
For rank, each time I updated lense it would go up. Point C. Is after I started sending e-mails & getting traffic. Your rank will increase if people stay on your lense long enough to read it & if y click on any of your links. Point D. is where I started using Link Juicer. As you can see it helped my rank to start increasing steadily.