Forum signature linking is a technique used to build backlinks to a website. This is process of using forum communities that allow outbound hyperlinks in ir member's signature. This can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website; it can also produce some targeted traffic if website is relevant to forum topic. It should be stated that forums using nofollow attribute will have no actual Search Engine Optimization value.

Building Links Through DoFollow Forum Signatures
I haven’t written a link building post in a while, because for most part, I was off investigating or things. & getting way too complex. When I realized it’s things I think are simple & run-of--mill that people really are looking to learn about. So as people ask me questions, I note m & try to write a post. I used to hate questions. Taking someone from “What’s a signature?” to viewing browser source in one sitting may be hard, but hopefully, it’s not impossible. Now I realize se questions are master key to type of traffic I want at this blog. So off we go.

Forums are basically where “social networks” started.
I talk to a lot of people who want to get traffic to ir site. & y usually think I can tell m how in 10-15 minutes. So I try. Rarely do people listen. & out of those that listen, very few actually use what I tell m. I am not sure why this happens. Maybe y are lazy. Maybe y think, “How can something like that help me?”. But one guy I talked to I told to use forum signatures to build links. That was about all. I thought it was simple enough to get someone started. I told him to sign up for forums, add a signature file, forget about it & just converse. Put in your two cents where ever you can add something to conversation. I did not list specific forums.
I told him that & I was thinking, yet anor person not taking my advice. But I was wrong. A few weeks later, he came back to me & we checked site. He has a micro business & is outranking local corporations here in Kansas City. He is doing this with a site built from templates. He doesn’t even know HTML. & what he used to do it, local business directories & forums. It blew my mind. One, for getting through to someone in 10 minutes. Two, for results.
& since most people underst& forums, I think it may be best place for average non-tech person to build links to his site, especially if you have gift of gab. y have been around since y were called bulletin boards & some still are. You can find multiple forums on just about any topic you want.