Higher PageRank sites are crawled more rapidly & also indexed more rapidly than lower PR sites. It is an undeniable fact that higher PageRank sites carries more authority than lower ones, it shows that se sites are trusted by Google. Since high PageRank sites carries more authority, links from a higher PR site will have more value than a link from a low PageRank site & chances are that you may rank high & also pass Google s&box by building links on m.It is fact that links are extremely important when it comes to SEO & to get your site ranking for all those top industry keywords.
Internal linking is one of most important Onsite SEO elements. Proper internal linking ensures that web pages are accessible to search engines & that y are indexed properly. Google allocates a value to every page of your site. This is PageRank. Your homepage is seen as most important page of your site & refore Homepage will always have highest PageRank value. This PageRank is n distributed between lower pages of your site. links that point from your home page to internal pages are usually found in Main navigation of site. This allows your Homepage PageRank to flow naturally to internal pages that are being linked to. PR gets distributed evenly across pages that are being linked to. A good internal linking structure should be intuitive as well as functionality driven. This will boost ir ratings as well.
Though PageRank is given based on which page links to you, it is possible that an internal page from your website with more & better back links might get a higher PR than homepage. In fact, you could use this to your advantage. You could link your best articles or best optimized pages from internal page with more PR & share PR value with m. If you think a particular page is odd enough n you may avoid placing that page as a home page.
It is best way to link all pages of a website with its corresponding homepage. This will relieve you from facing any PageRank loss. It is always advised to h&le rel=”nofollow” attribute in links, when you want to block a particular page to be linked to homepage. This will avoid a PageRank loss.
SEO Technologies is an expert in Search Engine Optimization. We improve your Websites to achieve highest PageRank through Directory Submission, Article Submission, Blog Posting, etc with an affordable price. We help in increasing traffic to your websites through Social Bookmarking, Social Networking like Twitter, Facebook, etc. For more information contact us
SEO Services Company: For SEO Services in India, SEO Company in India, Link Building Services in India, Google SEO Services in India, visit http://seo-servicescompany.blogspot.com.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
SEO Meta Tags are a valuable aid to your search engine optimization. As some may claim to launch your site as a showstopper using tags, it is not so. It will help your site improve its listing rank only & does not magically make visitors begging for more! Meta Tags are basically HTML code inserted into website page following title tag. Tags are used for many purposes but when referring to SEO, this constitutes descriptions tag & keywords tag. At one point of time tags were very essential for search engine function as it helped m to determine contents & subject matter of a website. Although more advanced techniques have replaced tags, it is still important as search engines use m as snippets in facilitating search engine results.
seo meta tags
keyword META tag is still not used by search engines but when submitting to directories, a valuable use of time by way, META keywords are used in many cases to automatically fill in keywords for your site in that directory. META description tag has soared in importance. How so you ask? Google has started showing META description in its search results when certain criteria are met. criteria being used appears to be very simple, unlike many of or things Google does. When keyword or search terms appear in META description, META description is used instead of snippet of text containing keyword on your page.
At one point Meta tags were considered a relatively important factor by search engines. AltaVista & or older search engines used m to help determine a site’s me as well as relevance to a given term. This is no longer case; search engines now rely on much more advanced techniques to do this. That said, Meta tags still have some life left in m; y are sometimes used as snippet of a site’s content in search engine result pages by Google, & possibly or search engines. It’s also possible y still have a little influence with some search engines in determining a site’s content.
SEO Meta tags can also be used to make your website suitable for all user age groups, particularly children. By addition of a PICS (platform for Internet Content Selection) label to website, you can get your website rated. Tags can also control browser, robots & internal categorization of your website. Internal categories are required where you have multiple authors & contributors to your site contents. tags useful here are related to author’s name & last update of content. With robot tag you can permit indexing by robots. Lastly you can use a tag analyzer to assess tags you have used.
seo meta tags
keyword META tag is still not used by search engines but when submitting to directories, a valuable use of time by way, META keywords are used in many cases to automatically fill in keywords for your site in that directory. META description tag has soared in importance. How so you ask? Google has started showing META description in its search results when certain criteria are met. criteria being used appears to be very simple, unlike many of or things Google does. When keyword or search terms appear in META description, META description is used instead of snippet of text containing keyword on your page.
At one point Meta tags were considered a relatively important factor by search engines. AltaVista & or older search engines used m to help determine a site’s me as well as relevance to a given term. This is no longer case; search engines now rely on much more advanced techniques to do this. That said, Meta tags still have some life left in m; y are sometimes used as snippet of a site’s content in search engine result pages by Google, & possibly or search engines. It’s also possible y still have a little influence with some search engines in determining a site’s content.
SEO Meta tags can also be used to make your website suitable for all user age groups, particularly children. By addition of a PICS (platform for Internet Content Selection) label to website, you can get your website rated. Tags can also control browser, robots & internal categorization of your website. Internal categories are required where you have multiple authors & contributors to your site contents. tags useful here are related to author’s name & last update of content. With robot tag you can permit indexing by robots. Lastly you can use a tag analyzer to assess tags you have used.
SEO Techniques are a set of specific tasks that would be performed by a Search Engine Optimization Company, when employed by a Client who desires high search engine positions to attract targeted traffic, with intention of increasing ir conversion rates & br& awareness. Optimizing your website so you will obtain a high search engine results position is what SEO Techniques is all about. It is reported that 65% of all websites visited start with a search from a search engine.
SEO is art of getting traffic to your site by optimizing on page content & off page links to your site. re are 3 rules that you must follow to make your site a success. Only target keywords that are receiving traffic, Only target keywords that have a commercial value, Target keywords with a low enough competition. re are many methods of installing good SEO Techniques, but be aware that re are bad techniques that should not be used & avoided at all cost.
Search Engine Optimization must be focused towards Human visitors in order to achieve good quality traffic & conversion rates. Page Content should be specific, informative & relevant to a search query. Writing relevant, quality content is one of most important factors or SEO Techniques, which will unlock doors of your website to real visitors. Anor technique to be followed while making use of enhanced SEO services is to install a sitemap. A well crafted sitemap would help users to navigate easily within your website. Moreover, search engines can easily track content of site through links in a sitemap.
A site map is an absolute must for those wishing to maximize ir website’s SEO potential. Why is this? It is because site map allows robots to index deep into subpages of website which means complete totality of site will be counted towards SEO impact. Content is king when it comes to search engine optimization. days of sparse text & tons of pictures are long gone when it comes to boosting SEO potential. Websites need solid text content that is loaded with proper keyword selections in order to succeed. Never lose site of this when developing SEO plans.
We SEO Technologies can also manage all content for you. Write articles, blogs, site content preparation, website promotion, Utilize Twitter & Facebook to continue building reputation & customers. Twitter is just going to grow & grow, would be mad not to start using it properly right now. This can be automated to an extent.contact us to get a fabulous services
SEO is art of getting traffic to your site by optimizing on page content & off page links to your site. re are 3 rules that you must follow to make your site a success. Only target keywords that are receiving traffic, Only target keywords that have a commercial value, Target keywords with a low enough competition. re are many methods of installing good SEO Techniques, but be aware that re are bad techniques that should not be used & avoided at all cost.

Search Engine Optimization must be focused towards Human visitors in order to achieve good quality traffic & conversion rates. Page Content should be specific, informative & relevant to a search query. Writing relevant, quality content is one of most important factors or SEO Techniques, which will unlock doors of your website to real visitors. Anor technique to be followed while making use of enhanced SEO services is to install a sitemap. A well crafted sitemap would help users to navigate easily within your website. Moreover, search engines can easily track content of site through links in a sitemap.
A site map is an absolute must for those wishing to maximize ir website’s SEO potential. Why is this? It is because site map allows robots to index deep into subpages of website which means complete totality of site will be counted towards SEO impact. Content is king when it comes to search engine optimization. days of sparse text & tons of pictures are long gone when it comes to boosting SEO potential. Websites need solid text content that is loaded with proper keyword selections in order to succeed. Never lose site of this when developing SEO plans.
We SEO Technologies can also manage all content for you. Write articles, blogs, site content preparation, website promotion, Utilize Twitter & Facebook to continue building reputation & customers. Twitter is just going to grow & grow, would be mad not to start using it properly right now. This can be automated to an extent.contact us to get a fabulous services
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Link Building
• Link Building: We are leader in Link Building Market & able to start building links with NEW methods which are never used before. In Fact we are first company to start many new services (methods of link building) over internet
Few St&ard Offers:
o Contextual / In-Content Link Building: What work better than One Way Links? Probably your answer will be Nothing. & what works better than In-Content One Way Links? Absolutely Nothing. You are very much right. We are providing Quality One Way Link Building Service for last 6 months & doing great. We are offering Contextual / In-Content Link Building & Bottom Link Building both. Just have a look.
Contextual Link Building Service in Detail.
o One Way Link Building: As I said one way links works best, so we do offer anor kind of one way link building where your investment is low. If your budget don't allow to get our Contextual link building service n this is best offer for you. Have a look in detail.
Reciprocal Link Building Service in Detail.
o Regional Directory Submissions: We said we are mature in directory submissions as directory submissions is our oldest service we are offering. We go step ahead & start doing Non-English Directory Submission Service. We already done submissions for minimum 126 web sites & have a long list of happy customers. Currently we are offering French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch & UK language directory submissions. In future we are planning to include more languages. Worth having a look.
Regional Directory Submissions Service in Detail.
o Social Bookmark Submissions: Latest Trend in industry. We are proud to say that we were VERY FIRST PERSON to offer Social Bookmark Submissions as service over Internet. We started this service on 23rd Dec, 2006. This offer will help you to get over 95 back links if you order 100 submissions. Sounds Great? YES, this is great offer. Have a close look.
Social Bookmark Submission Service in Detail.
o Directory Submissions: One of oldest & best link building method. We should say directory submission is MUST MUST thing for website promotion. When site is ready directory submission is very thing recommended. Our Oldest service on internet is Directory Submission. We are very very professional & mature here.
Directory Submission Service in Detail.
o Article Submissions: Like directory submissions, article submissions is also great & old method of getting back links. Article Submissions help you to get back links from within content. YES, it simply means quality back links. We are doing article writing & submissions for our clients for more than 3 years. Please have a close look, you'll find it great offer for sure.
Article Submission Service in Detail.
o Press Release & RSS Submissions: If your company / business news publish in Google or Yahoo news n wouldn't it be great?. It will be great because this can bring lot of popularity & traffic to your site. Simply this can make your site famous in one day. All this is wonder of Press Release Submissions. RSS submissions will make your topics publish on RSS directories & link back to your site. Wow, What a great thing. Have a look on our 0ffer.
Press Release & RSS Submissions Service in Detail.
o Blogs / Forums Comment Posting: Blogs & Forums are known for places to get links but also targeted traffic. We are expert in doing blog comment & forum post making which not only bring some traffice but also make links with your keyword as anchor text.
Blogs / Forums Comment Posting Service in Detail.
o Content / Copyright Writing: If you site don't have unique content & quality content, n we are here to help you. We not only write quality content for websites but also write ebooks, tutorials, article, press release & l&ing page content. We have separate team for this job.
Content / Copyright Writing Service in Detail.
o Guaranteed Links Offers: No need to say, what we mean here. We are able to give you guaranteed, permanent, quality, one-way back links from hundreds of directories & blogs. Cheapest & most effective method to increase back links for your website. You can't miss this opportunity.
Guaranteed Links Service in Detail.
o Custom Internet Marketing: If your need does not fits any above options & you require bigger or different Internet Marketing Service n please Contact US Or Ask for a FREE Quote. We'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Few St&ard Offers:
o Contextual / In-Content Link Building: What work better than One Way Links? Probably your answer will be Nothing. & what works better than In-Content One Way Links? Absolutely Nothing. You are very much right. We are providing Quality One Way Link Building Service for last 6 months & doing great. We are offering Contextual / In-Content Link Building & Bottom Link Building both. Just have a look.
Contextual Link Building Service in Detail.
o One Way Link Building: As I said one way links works best, so we do offer anor kind of one way link building where your investment is low. If your budget don't allow to get our Contextual link building service n this is best offer for you. Have a look in detail.
Reciprocal Link Building Service in Detail.
o Regional Directory Submissions: We said we are mature in directory submissions as directory submissions is our oldest service we are offering. We go step ahead & start doing Non-English Directory Submission Service. We already done submissions for minimum 126 web sites & have a long list of happy customers. Currently we are offering French, Spanish, German, Italian, Dutch & UK language directory submissions. In future we are planning to include more languages. Worth having a look.
Regional Directory Submissions Service in Detail.
o Social Bookmark Submissions: Latest Trend in industry. We are proud to say that we were VERY FIRST PERSON to offer Social Bookmark Submissions as service over Internet. We started this service on 23rd Dec, 2006. This offer will help you to get over 95 back links if you order 100 submissions. Sounds Great? YES, this is great offer. Have a close look.
Social Bookmark Submission Service in Detail.
o Directory Submissions: One of oldest & best link building method. We should say directory submission is MUST MUST thing for website promotion. When site is ready directory submission is very thing recommended. Our Oldest service on internet is Directory Submission. We are very very professional & mature here.
Directory Submission Service in Detail.
o Article Submissions: Like directory submissions, article submissions is also great & old method of getting back links. Article Submissions help you to get back links from within content. YES, it simply means quality back links. We are doing article writing & submissions for our clients for more than 3 years. Please have a close look, you'll find it great offer for sure.
Article Submission Service in Detail.
o Press Release & RSS Submissions: If your company / business news publish in Google or Yahoo news n wouldn't it be great?. It will be great because this can bring lot of popularity & traffic to your site. Simply this can make your site famous in one day. All this is wonder of Press Release Submissions. RSS submissions will make your topics publish on RSS directories & link back to your site. Wow, What a great thing. Have a look on our 0ffer.
Press Release & RSS Submissions Service in Detail.
o Blogs / Forums Comment Posting: Blogs & Forums are known for places to get links but also targeted traffic. We are expert in doing blog comment & forum post making which not only bring some traffice but also make links with your keyword as anchor text.
Blogs / Forums Comment Posting Service in Detail.
o Content / Copyright Writing: If you site don't have unique content & quality content, n we are here to help you. We not only write quality content for websites but also write ebooks, tutorials, article, press release & l&ing page content. We have separate team for this job.
Content / Copyright Writing Service in Detail.
o Guaranteed Links Offers: No need to say, what we mean here. We are able to give you guaranteed, permanent, quality, one-way back links from hundreds of directories & blogs. Cheapest & most effective method to increase back links for your website. You can't miss this opportunity.
Guaranteed Links Service in Detail.
o Custom Internet Marketing: If your need does not fits any above options & you require bigger or different Internet Marketing Service n please Contact US Or Ask for a FREE Quote. We'll get back to you within 24 hours.
Forum signature linking
Forum signature linking
Forum signature linking is a technique used to build backlinks to a website. This is process of using forum communities that allow outbound hyperlinks in ir member's signature. This can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website; it can also produce some targeted traffic if website is relevant to forum topic. It should be stated that forums using nofollow attribute will have no actual Search Engine Optimization value.

Building Links Through DoFollow Forum Signatures
I haven’t written a link building post in a while, because for most part, I was off investigating or things. & getting way too complex. When I realized it’s things I think are simple & run-of--mill that people really are looking to learn about. So as people ask me questions, I note m & try to write a post. I used to hate questions. Taking someone from “What’s a signature?” to viewing browser source in one sitting may be hard, but hopefully, it’s not impossible. Now I realize se questions are master key to type of traffic I want at this blog. So off we go.

Forums are basically where “social networks” started.
I talk to a lot of people who want to get traffic to ir site. & y usually think I can tell m how in 10-15 minutes. So I try. Rarely do people listen. & out of those that listen, very few actually use what I tell m. I am not sure why this happens. Maybe y are lazy. Maybe y think, “How can something like that help me?”. But one guy I talked to I told to use forum signatures to build links. That was about all. I thought it was simple enough to get someone started. I told him to sign up for forums, add a signature file, forget about it & just converse. Put in your two cents where ever you can add something to conversation. I did not list specific forums.
I told him that & I was thinking, yet anor person not taking my advice. But I was wrong. A few weeks later, he came back to me & we checked site. He has a micro business & is outranking local corporations here in Kansas City. He is doing this with a site built from templates. He doesn’t even know HTML. & what he used to do it, local business directories & forums. It blew my mind. One, for getting through to someone in 10 minutes. Two, for results.
& since most people underst& forums, I think it may be best place for average non-tech person to build links to his site, especially if you have gift of gab. y have been around since y were called bulletin boards & some still are. You can find multiple forums on just about any topic you want.
Forum signature linking is a technique used to build backlinks to a website. This is process of using forum communities that allow outbound hyperlinks in ir member's signature. This can be a fast method to build up inbound links to a website; it can also produce some targeted traffic if website is relevant to forum topic. It should be stated that forums using nofollow attribute will have no actual Search Engine Optimization value.

Building Links Through DoFollow Forum Signatures
I haven’t written a link building post in a while, because for most part, I was off investigating or things. & getting way too complex. When I realized it’s things I think are simple & run-of--mill that people really are looking to learn about. So as people ask me questions, I note m & try to write a post. I used to hate questions. Taking someone from “What’s a signature?” to viewing browser source in one sitting may be hard, but hopefully, it’s not impossible. Now I realize se questions are master key to type of traffic I want at this blog. So off we go.

Forums are basically where “social networks” started.
I talk to a lot of people who want to get traffic to ir site. & y usually think I can tell m how in 10-15 minutes. So I try. Rarely do people listen. & out of those that listen, very few actually use what I tell m. I am not sure why this happens. Maybe y are lazy. Maybe y think, “How can something like that help me?”. But one guy I talked to I told to use forum signatures to build links. That was about all. I thought it was simple enough to get someone started. I told him to sign up for forums, add a signature file, forget about it & just converse. Put in your two cents where ever you can add something to conversation. I did not list specific forums.
I told him that & I was thinking, yet anor person not taking my advice. But I was wrong. A few weeks later, he came back to me & we checked site. He has a micro business & is outranking local corporations here in Kansas City. He is doing this with a site built from templates. He doesn’t even know HTML. & what he used to do it, local business directories & forums. It blew my mind. One, for getting through to someone in 10 minutes. Two, for results.
& since most people underst& forums, I think it may be best place for average non-tech person to build links to his site, especially if you have gift of gab. y have been around since y were called bulletin boards & some still are. You can find multiple forums on just about any topic you want.
Link bait
Link bait is any content or feature within a website that somehow baits viewers to place links to it from or websites. Matt Cutts defines link bait as anything "interesting enough to catch people's attention." Link bait can be an extremely powerful form of marketing as it is viral in nature.
Link bait in search engine optimization
quantity & quality of inbound links are two of many metrics used by a search engine ranking algorithm to rank a website. Link bait creation falls under task of link building, & aims to increase quantity of high-quality, relevant links to a website. Part of successful linkbaiting is devising a mini-PR campaign around release of a link bait article so that bloggers & social media users are made aware & can help promote piece in t&em. Social media traffic can generate a substantial amount of links to a single web page. Sustainable link bait is rooted in quality content.

Many type of link bait
Although re are no clear-cut subdivisions within link bait, many[who?] attempt to divide m into types of hooks. This is a short list of some of most common approaches with brief descriptions:

* Informational hooks - Provide information that a reader may find very useful. Some rare tips & tricks or any personal experience through which readers can benefit.
* News hooks - Provide fresh information & obtain citations & links as news spreads.
* Humor hooks - Tell a funny story or a joke. A bizarre picture of your subject or mocking cartoons can also prove to be link bait.
* Evil hooks - Saying something unpopular or mean may also yield a lot of attention. Writing about something that is not appealing about a product or a popular blogger. Provide strong reasons for it.
* Tool hooks - Create some sort of tool that is useful enough that people link to it.
* Widgets hooks - A badge or tool, that can be placed or embedded on or websites, with a link included.
* Unique content hooks - This hook is intended for people that are in need of unique contents or articles for traffic or AdSense revenue. This became popular after Google implemented Duplicate Contents Filter & sites with duplicate contents saw fall in traffic. To use this hook, you have to create unique contents & give it out to Bloggers & webmasters with an obligation to put link back to your site.
Blog comments
Blog comments
Leaving a comment on a blog can result in a relevant do follow link to individual's website. Most of time however leaving a comment on a blog turns into a no follow link, which is almost useless in eyes of search engines such as Google &Yahoo. On or hand, most blog comments get clicked on by readers of blog if comment is well thought out &pertains to discussion of or commenters & post on blog.

Spam in blogs (also called simply blog spam or comment spam; note blogspam has anor, more common meaning, namely post of a blogger who creates no-value added posts to submit m to or sites) is a form of spamdexing. It is done by automatically posting random comments or promoting commercial services to blogs, wikis, guestbooks, or or publicly accessible online discussion boards. Any web application that accepts &displays hyperlinks submitted by visitors may be a target.
Adding links that point to spammer's web site artificially increases site's search engine ranking. An increased ranking often results in spammer's commercial site being listed ahead of or sites for certain searches, increasing number of potential visitors &paying customers.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Dofollow Backlinks Are The Key to Optimizing Your Search Engine Rank
The First Tip To Increasing Your Page Rank
To find good key words use Google's get keyword ideas tool in adwords section of ir site. To find a good keyword using this tool first look at number of times each word is searched in a month. If it is higher than 100 than take that word & google it with "quotation" marks around it. If you get back less n 100,000 results Google it again without quotes. Take each site from first page & check its page rank. I use this Fire Fox add on to check page rank. Add up each pages rank to find out average. Don't count article sites, social sites, web 2.0 site as y carry ir own weight & you can use m too.What is the Difference Detween Nofollow and Dofollow Backlinks
First I'll give a brief explanation of how & why backlinks help you get traffic . Search engines use number of links to a website to determine it's rank & popularity. Google is only one that uses nofollow & dofollow tags. Dofollow means that Google's bots will follow link & it will add juice to your site rank. re are two different types of nofollow links. One will tell bots not to follow it at all or will tell bots to follow but not to add any weight to your rank. This doesn't mean you should shy away from nofollow links completely as you can still get traffic from nofollow links. If that traffic stays on your page long enough to read it & or click a link n that can help your rank. I have compiled a list of sites I use to add backlinks to my sites. se are mostly social bookmarking sites. Some will add backlinks automatically for you.Start Blogs and Write Articles
After you have 10 to 20 keywords you have to figure out how you are going to use m. First start a few blogs using a keyword in title. For each post you make use a different keyword in title, this is called an anchor text. Add a link to your site in each post. Your link should be a hyperlink of a keyword such as dofollow backlinks add link juice, this would be called a long tale keyword as it uses several words toger, this is a good way to focus in on a micro niche. Don't just hyperlink "click here", search engines will use hyperlink words as a tag. Don't make it too commercial or self promoting as this will sound like spam. Make it interesting & people will read more & be more likely to click your link. Search engines monitor time people spend on your blog & will rank it high if you get a good percentage of people staying on it for a few minutes. This means it must be a quality site. higher ranking your blog more weight link to your site will have. You'll want to add backlinks to your blog as well. This will increase your blogs rank.Next write a few ezine articles. Write one of se a week with a link to your site. Again make it high quality & not too spammy. What you are trying to do is create a bunch of original content by you & having it all linking back to your site. Eventually people interested in your topic will recognize that you have a lot of knowledge on your subject & think of you as an expert. Anor key component is having all of se blogs & articles be unique. Search engines can tell if same article or blog post is duplicated over & over again & will bury posts & backlinks from m.
This Is How I Get Serious Link Juice
This site uses all of techniques I discuss in this lense to increase your page rank. It takes a few weeks to notice a big change so y give you a one month trial membership. Up until three weeks after I started using Link Juicer I was only getting a few visitors a week to this lense. Now I'm getting a few a day & my rank keeps going up. I hope to soon be getting some major traffic.More Tips to Increasing Your Page Rank
Posting comments sounds easy but it is time consuming & again you don't want to spam your comments. You want to search for blogs, forums & Squidoo lenses related to your topic. When you post a comment make sure what you say is relevant & adds to discussion. Don't just say a few words & add your link, that is considered spam. It is best to try to be first to reply this will ensure more people see your link & click on it. If comments are dofollow it doesn't matter as much if you are first to post. A lot of sites have re comments nofollow but you can still get traffic from posting to se. Make a few posts a day to each of blogs & forums you can find. If you are posting to a blog some allow use of BBC code. Put this in your signature to automatically add your link each time you post. It looks like this. [b][URL"http://www.yoursite.com/"]Your Signature Text[/URL][/b]. [b] means to bold text.Here Is This Lenses Rank And Traffic

As you see I didn't get much traffic in beginning. first spike for A. was when I sent my first e-mail through Money List Mania. next 5 spikes were after each subsequent mailing. little spikes following were from List Machine. Spike B. Is where I made 3 posts to a forum. trick re is to find a relevant topic where somebody asks a question you can answer. Find one where re are only a couple of replies & answer question & leave a link for more information. This way you won't be spamming.
For rank, each time I updated lense it would go up. Point C. Is after I started sending e-mails & getting traffic. Your rank will increase if people stay on your lense long enough to read it & if y click on any of your links. Point D. is where I started using Link Juicer. As you can see it helped my rank to start increasing steadily.
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