[edit] Relevant linking

Relevant linking is a derivative of reciprocal linking or link exchanging in which a site linked to anor site contains only content compatible & relevant to linked site.
[edit] Three way linking
See also: Webring
Three way linking (siteA ⇒ siteB ⇒ siteC ⇒ siteA) is a special type of reciprocal linking. The attempt of this link building method is to create more "natural" links in eyes of search engines. The value of links by three-way linking can n be better than normal reciprocal links, which are usually done between two domains.
[edit] Two-Way-Linking (Link exchange)
An alternative to questionable automated linking practices referenced above are free, community-based link exchange forums such as LinkPartners.com, in which members list ir sites according to sites' business category & invite webmasters of or compatible sites to request a link exchange. Such forums were created to foster ethical exchange of links between sites dealing with similar, relevant subject matter in order to offer visitors broader access to information than that obtainable on eir site individually. Unlike automatic linking schemes, se forums require members to editorially review sites requesting a link & make human-intelligence-based decisions on wher establishing a link with m would benefit end users & comply with search-engine quality & best practices guidelines.