
Monday, May 31, 2010

SEO Tools

Robot txt generator is a tool use to generate a simple robots.txt file for your website. This file allows you to hide files or directories that you don’t wish search engine spiders to find. This generator tool is designed to create text for file for you; you can n make changes afterward should you deem it necessary.

Generating a robot file with this tool is ideal if you wish to block certain directories or files from search engines. To use generator tool, enter required information below & click button. You will n be shown text for file. Copy this to a file called robots.txt & place on root of your website.

Robots.txt is a plain text file which is present at root of a server. This file comm&s search bots that which content to be permitted or forbade when it imposes ir website. When your Flash text is similar to your HTML version n you could easily set Robots.txt file to dismiss SWF content & only to allow HTML content towards search bots.

Often, new website builders & owners tend to forget importance of site necessities like a simple sitemap. A Sitemap is often seen as pointless since it is just replicating links already on website. However, if you construct a good sitemap that highlights important sections of your site n you can customize it to match your own needs. At very least you should be using Google Analytics & Webmaster Tools to keep track of your site’s visitors. You should submit your sitemap to Webmaster Tools & make sure you install correct robot.txt file to allow Google to scroll your site & index it.

re is a new Webmaster tool available that acts as a translator or robot.txt files. It helps you build file to use, & all you have to do is enter areas you do not want robots to crawl through. You can also make it very specific blocking only certain types of robots from certain types of files. After you use generator tool, you can take it for a test drive by using analysis tool. After you have seen that your test file is ready to go, you can simply save new file on root directory on your website & sit back.