
Sunday, May 16, 2010

black hat seo

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat search engine optimization is customarily defined as techniques that are used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner. se black hat SEO techniques usually include one or more of following characteristics:
1. Breaks search engine rules & regulations
Creates a poor user experience directly because of black hat SEO techniques utilized on Web site
Unethically presents content in a different visual or non-visual way to search engine spiders & search engine users.

A lot of what is known as black hat SEO actually used to be legit, but some folks went a bit overboard & now se techniques are frowned upon by general SEO community at large. se black hat SEO practices will actually provide short-term gains in terms of rankings, but if you are discovered utilizing se spammy techniques on your Web site, you run risk of being penalized by search engines. Black hat SEO basically is a short-sighted solution to a long-term problem, which is creating a Web site that provides both a great user experience & all that goes with that.

Black Hat SEO Techniques To Avoid

• Keyword stuffing: Packing long lists of keywords & nothing else onto your site will get you penalized eventually by search engines. Learn how to find & place keywords & phrases right way on your Web site with my article titled Learn Where & How To Put Keywords In Your Site Pages.

• Invisible text: This is putting lists of keywords in white text on a white background in hopes of attracting more search engine spiders. Again, not a good way to attract searchers or search engine crawlers.

• Doorway Pages: A doorway page is basically a “fake” page that user will never see. It is purely for search engine spiders, & attempts to trick m into indexing site higher. Read more about doorway pages.